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8 tips to help you maintain sinus health: The importance of sinuses in respiratory health.

When talking about respiratory health the sinuses are sometimes forgotten, but are extremely important for filtering, humidifying, and conditioning the air we breathe. 

The four pairs of sinuses are the ethmoid (near your temple), maxillary (behind your cheeks), sphenoid (behind the ethmoid sinuses, near your ears), and frontal (between your eyes, near your forehead). As air is inhaled and travels to the lungs, the sinuses help to warm and humidify the air. To help avoid irritation or infection, they also filter out dust and bacteria before entering the lungs. Even the tone and resonance of our voices when we speak are affected by the sinuses.

Ways to Maintain Sinus Health:

The Workings of Healthy Sinuses

If you are suffering from a chronic sinus infection or reoccurring ear infection, visiting the American Sinus Institute could provide you with the relief you’ve been looking for. American Sinus Institute offers a wide variety of treatment options and our board of certified physicians in Otolaryngology are here to help. Contact us today!

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