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Sinus Infection

The Most Common Types Of Sinus Inflammation

Did you know that not all sinus infections are alike? Even people who have struggled with recurring sinus infections may find that they are caused by any of a variety of sinus irritants. When it comes to diagnosing different types of sinus infections and sinusitis, you need the help of a professional to determine why your sinuses are infected and how to stop it from happening.

Types of Sinus Infections

First of all, it is important to know that not all cases of sinusitis are indicative of a sinus infection. While the two share many similar symptoms, they are not exactly the same. Sinus infection types include:

Types of Sinusitis

In addition to the above classifications, sinusitis may be categorized by the type of infection and inflammation experienced:

American Sinus Institute

The American Sinus Institutes in Houston and San Antonio are equipped to diagnose and treat any of the above sinus infections ranging from acute episodes to chronic cases. You can make an appointment with your Houston sinus doctor today, or contact our sinus doctors in San Antonio to learn more about treatment options.

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