9150 Huebner Road, Suite #280
San Antonio, TX 78240
Monday - Thursday: 8am-5pm
Friday: 8am-3pm
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cases of food and skin allergies in children have been steadily rising. Below, are some common symptoms of child allergies and what to do if your child is showing signs of an allergic reaction.
It’s possible for any individual to be born with allergies or to develop them at some point. However, genetics play a part in the likelihood of having allergies. If you or your partner have allergic reactions, your children will be more likely to be born with or develop them as well. Discovering symptoms and taking action early will help your child to be healthier.
If you suspect that your child is suffering from allergies, there are steps you can take to remedy the problem. Start by keeping an eye out for the following symptoms and take note of when and where they occur.
Several of these symptoms will look like the cold or flu. To distinguish between simply being sick and developing allergies, pay attention to how long the symptoms continue. If coughing and sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose continue for more than a week, allergies are more likely to blame.
In addition to paying attention to the symptoms your child shows, it’s important to determine any potential triggers. When you see a reaction, such as sneezing when playing outside, make a note of where your child was and what they were doing when the symptoms started. There are several common airborne allergens that are most likely to affect children.
Food allergies are also becoming more prevalent in children. The leading food allergens include:
In some cases, it will be easy to pinpoint child allergies as the cause of symptoms and a doctor will be able to share with you the best course of action. In other cases, allergy triggers won’t be as clear. Working with your doctor will help to determine what your child is reacting to and how to deal with the problem.An allergist will complete tests to determine allergies. To test a variety of possible allergens, the allergist will use a small amount of the allergens to observe the skin’s reaction. The area will become red and slightly swollen if an allergy exists. After being tested and showing symptoms of allergies, you can take steps to keep your child healthy.
While allergies cannot be cured, reactions can be avoided. Helping your child to avoid contact with their allergens is, of course, the best place to start. It’s also important to educate your child about their allergy and the possible reactions they could have if exposed.In some cases, the symptoms of allergies may impair quality of life. In these situations, you might choose for your child to have allergy shots, use an antihistamine, or have a procedure to alleviate symptoms. A Balloon Sinuplasty is a procedure that offers relief from sinus pain, an issue that many allergy sufferers deal with.In addition, there are several steps that can be taken at home and at school to avoid allergens.
The balloon sinuplasty treatment clears nasal passages to alleviate sinus pain and it may also help with allergy relief. Please contact the American Sinus Institute for more information on the procedure.